Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 4.djvu/115

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

President's Special Committee Report, April 5, 1954. (TS)
Memcon, May 18 and 20, 1954, OSD Files 1954. (TS)
Message FOA Washington, signed Stassen to USAMB Paris USAMB Saigon, USFOTO 263, November 24, 1954. (C)
Memorandum for SECSTATE from Director, CIA, December 16, 1955. (S)
"Supplement to the Composite Report of the President's Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program," Volume III, August 17, 1959. (S)
G. Other
Bykerk, Norman H., MAAG Vietnam: Manacled by Geneva (U), Army War College, Pennsylvania, March 19, 1958. (S)
Erickson, John L., Impact of the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (U), U. S. Army War College, Log No. 61-2-54 S, Pennsylvania, February 10, 1961. (S)
Heymont, Irving, Ronald B. Emery, John G. Phillips, Cost Analysis of Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations: Vietnam, 1957–1964, Volume I, Main Body (U), Research Analysis Corporation, McLean, Virginia, June 1967. (S)
Heymont, Irving, Ronald B. Emery, John G. Phillips, Cost Analysis of Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations: Vietnam, 1957–1964, Volume II, Appendixes (U) , Research Analysis Corporation, McLean, Virginia, August 1967. (S)
Heymont, Irving, James W. Lash, Planning Factors for Counterinsurgency Land-Combat Operations, Based on RVN Experience, FY 1958–FY 1964 (U), Research Analysis Corporation, McLean, Virginia, November 1967. (S)
Nees, Charles M., The Establishment of a United States Joint Task Force, Southeast Asia (U), U.S. Army War College, Log No. 57-2-124 S, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1957. (S)