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107.  Scigliano, op. cit., 187–188.
108.  Scigliano, op. cit., 217–225; Shaplen, op. cit., 188–212.
109.  John Osborne, "The Tough Miracle Man of Vietnam," Life, May 13, 1957; Kahin and Lewis, op. cit., 99–101; Fall, Viet-Nam Witness, op. cit., 235.
110.  Kahin and Lewis, op. cit., 101–102.
111.  Report of L. B . Woodbury, Jr., Col, GS, US Army Attache, Saigon, for July, 1956.
112.  William Henderson, "South Viet Nam Finds Itself," Foreign Affairs (Vol. 35, No. 2, January, 1957), 285, 288; quoted in Kahin and Lewis, op . cit., 100.
113.  Quoted in Fall, Two Viet-Nams, op. cit., 324.
114.  P. J. Honey, "Progress in the Republic of Vietnam, World Today (Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb., 1959), 75.
115.  P. J. Honey, "The Problem of Democracy in Vietnam," op. cit., 72–73.
116.  Lt. Gen. John W. O'Daniel, USA (Ret), America's Stake in Vietnam, op. cit., 6.
117.  Diem, Ibid., 101–102.
118.  Quoted in Warner, op. cit., 91–93.
119.  Ibid., 92.
120.  This same misapprehension appears in U.S. "counterinsurgency" literature; e.g. W. W. Rostow: "Moreover, the guerrilla force has this advantage: its task is merely to destroy, while the government must build and protect what it is building." W. W . Rostow, "Guerrilla Warfare in the Under-developed Areas," Speech at the U.S.A. Special Warfare School, June , 1961, in Raskin and Fall, eds., op. cit., 113.
121.  Diem, quoted in Ibid., 127–128.
122.  Hoang Van Chi, op. cit., 59.
123.  Pike, op. cit., facing 1.
124.  Kahin and Lewis, op. cit., 121; quoting a GVN pamphlet and Ellen J. Hammer. Cf. references to Viet Cong forces in North Vietnam in US MAAG Vietnam, "Narrative Study (U)," August 1958 and other dates.
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