Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. B. 1.djvu/15

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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12 Apr 1961 Rostow Memorandum for President Kennedy W. W. Rostow suggested several ways for "gearing-up the whole Vietnam operation." These included: assigning a first-rate, fulltime backstop man in Washington to Vietnam affairs (Lansdale); a Vice Presidential visit in Southeast Asia; exploring ways to use new American techniques and gadgets in the fight against the VC; replacing the ICA (AID) chief; high-level discussion of tactics for persuading Diem to broaden his government; a Presidential letter to Diem in which Kennedy would reaffirm support for him but express the urgency attached to finding a "more effective political and morale setting" for military operations.
20 Apr 1961 The Presidential Program for Vietnam Deputy Secretary of Defense Gilpatric was directed to appraise the current status and future prospects of the VC drive in South Vietnam, then recommend a series of actions to prevent communist domination of the GVN.

(At this same time: the Bay of Pigs invasion force surrendered and the Laos crisis was coming to a head.)

Gilpatric and Lansdale headed a Task Force established immediately to carry out these instructions.

27 Apr 1961 Gilpatric Task Force Report submitted; the NSC meets This first Task Force draft called for a moderate acceleration of the CIP program approved in January, with stress on vigor, enthusiasm and strong leadership. The report recommended building on present US-GVN programs, infusing them with a new sense of urgency and creating action programs in almost every field to create a viable and increasingly democratic government in SVN to prevent communist domination. No ARVN increase
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