Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. B. 1.djvu/193

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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1. JCSM 717-61

2. Ibid.

3. "Concept of Intervention in South Vietnam," considered at an NSC Meeting, 11 October.

4. SNIE 53-2-61, "Bloc Support of the Communist Effort Against the Government of SVN," 5 October 1961

5. Washington Post, 10 April 1968

6. SNIE 10-3-61, "Probable Communist Response to Certain SEATO Undertakings in SEA."

7. Supplemental Note 2, 11 October 1961, to "Concept of Intervention in Vietnam," 10 October 1961.

8. William Bundy Memorandum for Secretary McNamara, 10 October 1961.

11. Gilpatric Memorandum for the Record, 10 October 1961.

10. New York Times, 12 October 1961, p. 1. Transcript of Press Conference at p. 20.

11. New York Times, 13 October 1961, p. 16

12. New York Times, 14 October 1961, p. 14

13. Saigon message 488, 13 October 1961

14. New York Times, 15 October 1961, p. 1

15. CINCPAC message to JCS, 20 October 1961, Subject: "Pros and Cons of Introducing U.S. Combat Forces Into South Vietnam."

16. Saigon message 516, 20 October 1961

16a ChMAAG Saigon message to JCS, 23 October 1961

17. Saigon message 536, 25 October 1961

18. Saigon message 537, 25 October 1961

19. BAGUIO message 0005, 1 November 1961

20. BAGUIO message 0006, EYES ONLY FOR THE. PRESIDENT, 1 November 1961

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