Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. a.djvu/13

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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41. Ho Chi Minh has constantly given impression that "he would pay great attention to any suggestions" made by the U.S. O'Sullivan (Hanoi) to Byrnes, 5 June 1946 71
42. U.S. Consul to Hanoi views Vietnam strength in Cochin-China as "diminishing," that Ho went to Paris for this reason, and at the same time, to seek support from French Left Wing. O'Sullivan to Byrnes, 5 June 1946 71
43. Caffery reports Franco-Viet conference at Fontainebleau is off to a bad start, as Vietnamese delegation protested assumption of the chairmanship by head of the French delegation, protested creation of Cochin-China as an independent state, and accused French of violating 6 March agreement. Ho Chi Minh held conversations with Algerians on similarity of their problems. Caffery 3323 to Byrnes, 7 July 1946 73
44. Vietnam breaks off negotiations at Fontainebleau on the grounds that France violated March 6 accord by convoking a new Dalat conference. Caffrey 3801 to Byrnes, 2 August 1946 74
45. U.S. views recent moves by the French as designed to regain a large measure of control over Indochina in "violation of the spirit of the 6 March convention" and that widespread hostilities may result from Vietnam resistance to these encroachments. Memorandum by Moffat (SEA) for Vincent (FEA), 9 August 1946 75
46. U.S. views results of Dalat conference as a reasonable basis for the future, but far short of larger degree of independence desired by Vietnam, and it is difficult "to foresee any great success…so long as Cochin-China stays apart from Vietnam…" Reed 342 to Byrnes, 17 August 1946 78
47. U.S. express concern over "French colonial tendency picture U.S. as aggressive and imperialistic" and indicates closeness of this unwitting French colonial view to Communist Party Line. Clayton (Acting SecState) 240 to Saigon, 4 September 1946 78
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