Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/102

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


d. On 14 July the JSPC submitted a report (J.C.S. 1924/20 — Not yet approved) for consideration by the JCS which included the following with reference to Southeast Asia:

"The French military position in Indo-China has continued to improve.…No unusual Chinese Communist or Vietminh activities have occurred sine© tho Korean invasion. While the entire East Asia situation is potentially explosive there are no present indications that the situation will be immediately worsened unless the Korean situation further deteriorates. With respect to Burma, Thailand, and Malaya, internal subversive moves will probably remain the chief threats to the established governments. Chinese Communists would probably move against these countries only if first successful in Indo-China…"

"e. Southeast Asia

"(1) In the event of Chinese Communist moves against Indo-China or Burma, U.S. military equipment and supplies, would be required on an increased scale and U.S. naval and air forces might be called upon to assist the French in Indo-China. It is unlikely that U.S. forces would be employed in Burma. This is considered to be an area of British responsibility.

"(2) If Indo-China, Burma and Thailand were to fall under Communist domination, British forces in Malaya should be augmented. Except for possible naval support, it is unlikely that U.S. armed forces would be employed in Malaya since this is an area of British responsibility."