Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/119

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


"(d) The failure of the French to restore internal security is attributed to the lack of cooperation on the majority of the people in Indo-China and a deep-seated hatred end distrust which exists amont a large part of the population. A large measure of the distrust and non-cooperative action on the part of the people has undoubtedly been inspired by Communist propaganda and the desire of the Oriental to 'push the white man out of Asia.'
"(e) Military action above can not solve the internal security problem in Indo-China beaause of the lack of cooperation on the part of the people, the distrust and hatred of the French, and the effect of Communist activities and propaganda. A political solution, which includes concessions on the part of the French, and definite plans for eventual independence of Viet Nam is a necessary complement to military action.
"(f) The failure to organize Viet Nam armed forces as a separate entity and employ them as Vietnamese troops, not as French Union troops, has been the source of much dissatisfaction on the part of the people and has created a considerable amount of distrust which has withdrawn the support of many people from French efforts.
"(g) The Viet Minh still controls the major portion of Indo-China and, for all practical purposes, have the French forces pinned to their occupied and garrisoned areas to the extent that French movement is impossible through partically all areas without armed escort.
"(h) The Viet Minh forces have steadily grown in strength and improved their discipline and combat effectiveness. Much of the succes in these fields can be attributed to assistance and supplies from the Chinese Communists and Communist propaganda.
"(i) A serious and dangerous external threat from Communist China exists along the northern frontier.
"(j) The French forces disposed throughout Indo-China, with their present equipment and organization, are not capable of dealing with the Viet Minh within the boarders of Indo-China and resisting a strong Chinese Communist attack from the north. The defenses along the frontier of Tonkin