Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/273

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


as possible. Piney concluded meeting with request we take into account political difficulties Pleven end Schuman faced in National Assembly.

3. The Secretory addressing himself to Pleven's two queries made clear US considered French effort Indochina in general international interest and as of great strategic importance, failure in which would have important repercussions in Asia, Middle East and Europe. He pointed out US in Korea, UK in Malaya and Suez making similar effort in common interest and each of three powers had initial responsibility in its respective area and Allies had function aiding and supporting in every way possible, Eden agreed. Referring to French policy build up national armies and our previous vigorous support, he said US would be willing to go into question increased aid for national armies with Letorneau in Washington. He explained bill now before Congress and no (rpt no) figures could be given but believed finally approved bill will permit increased aid for this purpose and said we would be in better position talk in mid June. Pleven raised question possibility legis and the Secretary expressed belief bill sufficiently flexible but promised, in reply Letourneau request, inform Letourneau through embassy Paris re degree flexibility and items possible and asked Letourneau give us list items French have in mind.

4. The Secretary raised question position US-UK-Fr in event Chinese Commies took more active part in Indochina and said US now prepared discuss question joint position with UK and Prance, at political and military levels. He stressed importance preventing action rather than acting after event, raised question joint warning to Chinese Commies, and stressed importance discussing possible action if warning disregarded. He stated as preliminary view actions should be taken against Chinese attack in Indochina. He said questions should be discussed first in political talks and then military, perhaps at Paris. He added while not (rpt not) wishing anticipate military talks, US would not (rpt not) be able furnish ground forces SEA but would expect bear considerable share air and naval effort. He emphasized essential no (rpt no) leaks re consideration warning to Chinese Commies.

5. French