Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/47

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


However, this is not intended to bar the expression of personal views, provided such views do not run counter to the laws of the United States, the policy of the Administration or your instructions. Where personal views are properly expressed, they should be clearly identified as personal.

You will appreciate, I am sure, that the members of the Mission are not authorized to offer any written or oral statement which might be construed as committing this Government to a definite course of action or which might involve an obligation to expend governmental funds not previously appropriated and allocated.

You are requested to communicate with the Chief of the United States Mission in each country on your itinerary and to seek his advice and counsel as circumstances warrant. Mr. McAfee of the Department, who has been designated as one of your Advisers, f be looked to for assistance in your relations with the United States Missions and with the Department.

You are authorized to delegate to another member of the Mission all authority held by you in the event of your inability to exercise the functions of your position.

Details of the financial and transportation arrangements for your journey are contained in a Travel Order which will be sent to you under separate cover.

It is expected that you will transmit by air pouch or cable preliminary reports from each country visited, and at the conclusion of the Mission a comprehensive report listing justifiable immediate projects, appraising the local governments' attitudes toward collaboration in anticipated programs, and appraising the possibilities of a regional approach to the implementation of programs to meet regional needs. Enclosed for your convenience is the usual outline for conference reports, which, though it will not quite fit your requirements, may nonetheless prove useful as a convenient checklist of a number of the items to be covered and the format which is desirable in all reports to the Department. You may wish to supplement this formal report with a confidential report.

You and your colleagues undertake your responsibilities with the assurance of my keen interest and wholehearted support. I have every confidence in the individual ability of the Mission members and in the capacity of the Mission as a whole, under your able leadership, to reflect credit on the United States in this important undertaking.

Very truly yours,

Under Secretary


1. Letter of appointment.
2. Outline for report.