Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 2. b.djvu/65

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


April 9, 3 pm, 1950


April 11, 10 am, 1950
Saigon via Dept




Sent Dept 22 rptd Paris 121 Djakarta 19 from Saigon.
April 9, 6 pm for Griffin.
Fol is comment on Huu appointment.

1. Appt tran Van Huu as Primin will be interpreted some quarters here and America as check to evolution independent Vietnam (Legtel 242, April 9.) Huu is wealthy man from Cochin China traditionally more Franco Phile than other areas. He is able citizen and patriotic Vietnamese but his background presents propaganda opportunities to commies, northerners and disgruntled supporters of his rival primin Long.

2. On other hand nomination has certain advantages. As Bao Dai points out, principal soft spot is in south and Huu has real prestige, knows how to make influence felt in villages, has large amount Catholic support, has countrymen’s touch despite wealth. Bao Daists may also join government. Huu claims to have abstained from joining earlier cabinet and his coming into new government shows he thinks Bao Dai-Fr partnership going concern especially with US as silent partner.

3. Believe it will be easier negotiate aid formulas with Huu govt than Long not only because Long and Pignon crossed swords on matter but because Huu considerably more realistic. Long wanting to stay on would probably have grasped any aid formula given him by America.