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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



Sent to: Amembassy PARIS PRIORITY 5655
May 18, 1953
8 pm

You will recall that at the final meeting with Mayer at White House on March 28, President made certain general comments regarding Letourneau plan for bringing hostilities in Indochina to successful conclusion. In reply Mayer in name of French GOVT said that he would welcome our sending US military officers to Indochina in order to pursue evaluation of plan, and President expressed willingness to arrange it. Defense has now completed its study of material furnished by Letourneau and Allard and wishes to take advantage of Mayer's suggestion to send high level military mission to Indochina in order to study situation with General Navarre and explore ways and means through which American assistance can best be fitted into workable plans for aggressive pursuit of hostilities under present circumstances. A principal objective of mission will be to ascertain what military plans and capabilities PAREN manpower, equipment and particularly air force END PAREN will be required so that there will be firm prospect of reversing current military trend by beginning of next fighting season, i.e., OCT 1953. Proposed agenda will of course be submitted in due course.

Please inform Mayer of the above as soon as possible requesting him to indicate (a) his continued readiness to have such a mission visit Indochina and (b) approximate date at which mission could proceed to Indochina.

Department understands General Navarre arrives Saigon about May 19; he will obviously wish to become familiar with the details of the situation before receiving proposed American mission. We have in mind for the arrival of the latter a date such as June 10. The mission, would probably stay in Indochina for not more than a month. It will probably include a State Department representative in an


  1. Copy held in S/S-R