Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/124

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


7. Coordination of the Mission's activities will also be effected with Chief, MAAG, Indochina. Close collaboration with General Trapnell and his participation in the work of the Mission are essential.

8. Because of the unescapable and highly significant political aspects which cannot be divorced from military operations in Indochina, the mission will include a Department of State representative conversant with problems associated with Indochina who will be available for consultation on political matters. In addition, the U.S. Ambassador in Saigon and his staff will be available to the Chief of Mission. With respect to over-all political considerations closely associated with subject mission, the Chief of Mission may present the following as the general views of the U.S. Government:

a. The achievement of an anti-Communist military victory in Indochina is largely dependent upon the availability of adequate military forces, to be obtained, at least in part, through the development of the National Armies of the Associated States. If the enemy continues to set the pace as he has done during the past six-month dry season, it is not realistic to think that the Vietnamese Government will be able to raise, train and direct necessary reliable native levies at the same time that the Viet Minh Army has the initiative and is straining the resources of the French Union Army. Consequently, early aggressive military action against the Viet Minh is essentia1 in order to develop an atmosphere of military control and progress under which the Vietnamese Government will be able to produce maximum numbers of reliable troops.