Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/144

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


24. Utilization of Korean Military Training Lessons in Indochina: Korean military training methods can be employed advantageously in the training of the Armies of the Associated States, Although the French, naturally proud of their own military heritage and partially justified in their claims that the war in Indochina is different from that in Korea, have verbally minimized the benefits which may accrue to the Armies of the Associated States from training lessons learned in Korea, the Associated States have already benefited from Korean training. This was particularly evident at the Officers' Candidate School in Dalat. Here MAAG officers emphasized the considerable improvement, not only in training methods but also in utilization of plant capacity, since the visit to Korea by members of the Dalat staff. Shortly before our departure we noted increased interest on the part of senior French commanders in making visits to training centers in Korea. More visits to KAMAG training centers in Korea are planned. These visits should include visits by officers of the Hanoi Tactical School (which trains battalion and regimental commanders and staff officers) and the new "National War College", when established, to similar training centers in Korea. This is one of the most desirable means by which Korean military training methods may be applied to the training of the Armies of the Associated States.

25. Development of Associated States Military Forces: With respect to numbers, the indigenous forces of the Associated States are developing according to plan (see Annex "J"). Monsieur Quat, Vietnamese Minister of Defense, informed ma that 31 of the 54 Vietnamese commando battalions scheduled for organization this year will be operational by 1 October 1953. My observations at training camps confirmed Monsieur Quat's remark.