Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/151

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


agreed to by lower echelons within the French Navy, were accepted by Admiral Auboyneau. In his concurrence with the presentations made by the members of this Mission, Admiral Auboyneau stated that he intended to reorganize present French Union naval forces and to plan the development of expanded forces with the purpose of attaining increased amphibious effectiveness and at the same time delegating increased responsibility to Vietnamese leaders and units. (See Annex "T")

42. Administration and Protection of Liberated Areas: One pressing aspect of the war in Indochina is the current insecurity of rear areas. For example, the enemy holds or controls large areas inside the Delta perimeter with military units up to regiments. Much of the lack of a more aggressive spirit on the part of French commanders appears to be based on their concern for security of rear areas.

43. In North Vietnam, particularly within the Delta, political action is being coordinated with military action to pacify the rear areas. At French Headquarters, North Vietnam, a G-5 has been created as a Bureau of Pacification, working closely with Governor Tri's Civil Committee for Pacification. In conjunction with military action, pacification teams establish village and provincial governments, as well as organize and arm village militia for defense against the Viet Minh. G-5 is new and small, there are political questions reference Governor Tri's growing strength, and militia are poorly armed to resist Viet Minh attacks on villages. The French are capable of supplying this extra equipment necessary additional arms from reserve stocks.