Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/163

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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9. How could such a maneuver be undertaken? Once more It would be logical to see to it that the work of the conference progresses pari passu with a cease-fire In Indo-China.

In any cose, it is only fair that the work of the political conference should, at the very least, be conducted in such a manner that Communist China:

(a) can not consider any result as secured (in particular with regard to the evacuation of military forces) as long as she has not given tangible proof of her general goodwill in Southeast Asia.
(b) receives the impression that the situation in the Far East as a whole is kept constantly under review by the Three Powers jointly and therefore has a direct influence on negotiations which are limited to Korea in principle.
(c) arrives gradually at the conclusion that her best Interest Is to cut down her support of the Vietminh, in order to enjoy the benefits which she might expect to derive from a prolonged or final cessation of hostilities on the 38th paralle.

10. At the same time, the French Government would continue its efforts to obtain a satisfactory adjustment of the situation in Indo-China, which has just been undertaken both on the political and on the military level. Such an adjustment should enable us to regain the initiative in military operations just as we have regained it with respect to relations between France and the Associated States.

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