Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/167

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



Rec'd: July 29 1953
3:34 p.m.

FROM: Paris
TO: Secretary of State
NO: 370, July 29, 6 p.m.

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It is also the policy of his government to win the war in Indochina. To do this, they are prepared to adopt the general principles of the Navarre plan, including sending approximately nine battalions of additional troops to Indochina. However, the cost of sending and maintaining these additional troops in Indochina, plus the cost of arming, training, and equipping the necessary additional battalions of Vietnam troops, will be approximately 100 billion francs for the French calendar year 1954. Therefore, the Laniel government, in order to carry out its overall plan of winning the war in Indochina and balancing the French budget, needs an additional 150 billion francs for Indochina In calendar 1954. Laniel said that the 100 billion franc figure for tho extra cost In Indochina in 1954 was a maximum figure, and that he had instructed General Navarre to do his best to reduce it somewhat.

Laniel said that Bidault had reported, after his Washington trip, that the Secretary of State and Mr. Stassen had told him that there was no hope of getting any additional funds whatsoever from the US for Indochina, and that Bidault was very discouraged to have to make this report. Laniel added that there was no point in sending any additional French forces from France to Indochina unless the funds were also available to build up the Vietnam army for its eventual assumption of responsibility. He pointed out that it would be impossible for him to make the economies which he plans to make in the civil areas of the budget unless he can make similar economies in the military side of the budget, including Indochina. If funds are not available


  1. Copy held in S/S-R.