Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/220

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



This amount Is additional to: (1) the $460 million in aid described in the memorandum handed to the French Government by representatives of the United States Government in Paris on April 26, 1953; (2) the economic aid program to the Associated States; (3) the Item of $85 million appropriated by Congress for the United States fiscal year 1953/54 for artillery, ammunition and semi-automatic weapons for the French forces under the command of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; (4) any dollar funds that may be made available to France from United States fiscal year 1953/54 appropriations for basic materials development, overseas territories development, and technical assistance; and (5) it is likewise additional to the end-item assistance to the French Government and the Associated States out of past or currently available United States appropriations, after the adjustments required by Congressional action and by the present augmentation of financial aid to France have been made. The end-item assistance to be made available for Indo-China operations and referred to above has been discussed and will be determined by the United States Government in the near future.

II. This commitment of the United States Government is made upon the understandings derived from the above-mentioned exchange of letters, dated September 29, 1953, and from the memorandum of September 3, 1953.

III. It is understood that the total amount of United States assistance described in paragraph I of this letter s the full extent of assistance which the United States Government will be able to make available to the French Government and to the Associated States for the calendar year 1954 from the United States fiscal year 1953/54 appropriations. It is further understood that there will be counted as a part of the additional United States assistance described in this letter ($385 million or its equivalent in French francs) releases of counterpart (except for the counterpart of any of the types of special assistance described in paragraph I (4) above) accruing during the calendar year 1954 in the Special Account of the Crédit National from dollar aid allotments to France from United States fiscal year 1952/53 and prior appropriations, to