Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/225

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



"1. To provide to the United States Government all appropriate information regarding the type and amount of expenditures financed by the assistance for Indo-China. It is understood that this information will relate not only to the costing of the program but also to the expenditures actually effected. Representatives of the two Governments will consult with respect to the degree of detail necessary to enable the United States Government to meet the requirements of its foreign aid legislation and agree upon the details to be furnished.

"2. To designate qualified representatives, who would work together with the designated representatives of the United States Government in examining from time to time all relevant French documents for the purpose of confirming the reports rendered with respect to the utilization of the assistance made available by the United States Government.

"3. To receive in Indo-China the designated representatives of the United States Government for the purpose of observing and reviewing from time to time the utilization of United States assistance. The French Government is also prepared to provide other information and facilities as heretofore provided under Article IX (3) of the Economic Cooperation Agreement between the United States and France, dated June 28, 1948, as amended.

"It is understood that the procedures to be worked out in accordance with the principles set forth in this letter will be applicable to the total amount of assistance to be made available by the United States Government for Indo-China during the calendar year 1954."

The United States Government has taken note of the position of the French Government as set forth in your letter quoted above. With particular regard to paragraph 5 thereof, the United States Government wishes to confirm to the