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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


(3) A mobilization base, and its protection against crippling damage, adequate to insure victory in the event of general war.
b. Maintenance of a sound, strong and growing economy, capable of providing through the operation of free institutions, the strength described in a above over the long pull and of rapidly and effectively changing to full, mobilization.
c. Maintenance of morale and free institutions and the willingness of the U. S. people to support the measures necessary for national security.

10. In support of these basic security requirements, it is necessary that the United States:

a. Develop and maintain an intelligence system capable of:
(1) Collecting and analyzing indications of hostile intentions that would give maximum prior warning of possible aggression or subversion in any area of the world.
(2) Accurately evaluating the capabilities of foreign countries, friendly and neutral as well as enemy, to undertake military, political, economic, and subversive courses of action affecting U. S. security.
(3) Forecasting potential foreign developments having a bearing on U. S. national security.
b. Develop an adequate manpower program designed to:
(1) Expand scientific and technical training.
(2) Provide an equitable military training system.
(3) Strike a feasible balance between the needs of an expanding peacetime economy and defense requirements.
NSC 162/2