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NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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The Eisenhower Administration, 1953 – 1960

Contents and
Chronological List of Documents

BOOK I 1953 Page
1. General Collins sends ISA a letter from General Trapnell, MAAG, Indochina, who indicates that the "most important and immediate need to the successful conclusion of the war in Indochina was more troops." Army General Staff memorandum for ISA, 15 January 1953 1
2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are requested to undertake a re-examination of U.S. participation in the Indochina operation giving special consideration to training indigenous forces. Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum for JCS, 19 January 1953 4
3. President Eisenhower links the Korean war with the Indochina conflict. State of the Union Message, 2 February 1953 5
4. The State Department proposes an exchange of military training missions between French, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and ROK's. Dulles 1644 to Saigon, 10 February 1953 6
5. Dulles and Bidault conversations reveal that the French are relieved over Eisenhower's Indochina position. "I thank God and General Eisenhower that it took only six years to have France's contribution there recognized for what it is." A-117 to Saigon, 5 March 1953 8
6. In reply to the Secretary of Defense request to re-examine the Indochina problem, the JCS recommend that France be "encouraged" to augment the Vietnamese forces, that the ports and airfields in Tonkin be improved, that the U. S. support the troop augmentation and port improvement with money and materials, and that France be pressured to grant greater responsibility and autonomy to the Associated States. JCS Memorandum for Secretary of Defense, 13 March 1953 11
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