Page:Percival Lowell - an afterglow.djvu/184

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Percival Lowell


Those were certainly ten-strikes!!

The letter enclosed, too, was excellent. Various other bright points appeared simultaneously. In short a galaxy, yesterday afternoon! One of them from Prof. Fox, I send. Good things are gregarious, as are also bad. It was a re(a)d letter day.

Please send one of my Memoir No. 2, on Saturn's Rings, to Sir Napier Shaw, 10 Moreton Gardens, S. W., London, England, with my regards on my card.

Did I send you our photographic record of the change we announced in Saturn? If I did, another copy in Boston will be good. The change is even greater to the eye, probably, because the red in the color screen lets through the reddish tint and makes the ball seem brighter than it is, that part outside of the south cap.

Please get some copies of the Times editorial.