Page:Percival Lowell - an afterglow.djvu/87

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An Afterglow


Picked in the public garden of Geneva, a variety of the Acer negundo, or ash-leaved maple such as we found on the hill above Belmont in the walk from the Waverley Oaks. This variety has particolored leaves, sometimes producing albedoes like the sprig enclosed. Since then I have seen them growing in cultivation here in England. With this you may talk learnedly to such botanic professors as you meet.

I am thinking of crossing the Channel tomorrow and sailing in a couple of weeks. Shall wire when, sure.

The Lake Placid Club card has just come out of regular mail routine by some obliging steamer. Berths back are very scarce. "All taken" they assured me at the Hamburg- American line office yesterday. So poplar is our land—we must get back to it for all our wanderings abroad.