Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/100

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He reconciled the couple by forgiving the mistake of the goldsmith. Thereafter, he assigned an estate near the city to the other goldsmith who had revealed to him the theft, which provided his family with an income. He also made peace between the two goldsmiths and send them back to their homes, happy and content.

It cannot be described how delighted Beramo was and whoever else who had heard the story about the strange way in which the goldsmith had tricked his wife. When the storyteller ended, a gentle dance was played, which greatly cheered Beramo's heart and markedly improved his condition. Then, since it was already late, the tables were prepared for dinner and afterwards everyone went to their rooms to rest. On Thursday morning, the entire court dressed in the same yellow color with which the fourth palace was adorned and moved there.

Beramo, true to his custom spent a long time with the damsel who was there, and after the tables had been cleared, the fourth storyteller was called in and asked to tell about a beautiful event. He gave due reverence to the Lord and began his story as follows:

Novella IV – Thursday

ONCE upon a time, in the ancient city of Babylon there was a Sultan, who had a son, named Rammo. His mother, the Sultana had died, after which his father took another wife.