Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/113

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Rammo became greatly enraged when he observed this and he ordered the spirit to go to the counselor's quarters the following night and bring the most beautiful of his daughters to his bed. The spirit immediately obeyed Rammo and brought the most beautiful of the counselor's daughters to his bed. She was very frightened by what happened. “Don’t be frightened,” Rammo said to her, “because I am a man, and I passionately love you, and you have to know that I am Rammo, the Sultan's son. Therefore, you should not so proudly complain for finding me at your side."

She responded that whoever he might be, she did not want to consent to him in any way. "After all," Rammo said to her, "know that I am passionately in love with you and I shall respect your honor. I gladly accept you as a lady and I promise you by my faith that you will become my wife. But reveal this to no one else without my consent." These words pleased the young woman and she embraced him and greatly delighted in spending the night with him.

Then, in the morning he got up early and told the young woman not to go out until he had returned. He assumed his usual form of the old woman and went to the palace of the counselor. On the way he met a messenger who had been sent, looking for him. As he came into his presence, the counselor said, "My mother, you know how many disasters have occurred to me in the course of a few days, and that thanks to your great kindness, you have always liberated me of them."