Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/72

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This delighted the Empress beyond measure and weeping tenderly, she held the true Emperor, her husband, in a long embrace. Then, having caught the hen, which, when it saw its misfortune ran away, they cut off its head and threw it into the fire which was in the room. None of this was seen by anyone of the court, and assuming that the parrot was dead, they left the room. And a great feast was ordered for the ladies and the lords of the court on the next day.

Thereafter, the Emperor dismissed the three other wives, and retained the one, who was the daughter of his uncle. And after so many disasters he regained his empire and lived with his wife a long and happy life in supreme tranquility.

After the storyteller had finished his story, Beramo presented him with precious gifts, because he had greatly enjoyed the events in the story. He was given permission to return to his homeland a wealthy man.

Beramo was rather amused by the story that he was told, and began to believe that the advice of the young people helped to rejuvenate him. Following their recommendation, early on Tuesday morning he was brought in a timely manner to the second palace, which was adorned all over with purple, and placed in a bed. His entire court and he himself were dressed in the same color. He had the damsel of the second region be brought into his presence and after having discussed with her many things for a good amount of time, he gave orders that the second storyteller should come.

He came before him, kissed his hands, and was ordered by the counselor to tell his story. Following the order, he began his story quickly as follows: