Page:Personal Beauty and Racial Betterment.djvu/54

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Personal Beauty

This integration is probably never perfect, but reaches a high degree in the most efficient functioning. When the integration falls below a somewhat indefinite low level the failure gives rise to the symptoms of “functional” nervous disease.

The individual who is capable of a high level of integration under specific conditions and training, is not necessarily able to maintain an efficient level under the various conditions which must be faced in daily life. The distinguished mathematician, or lawyer, or “specialist” of any sort, may show, along with his particular efficiency, some of the symptoms of mental disease, or be inefficient in many circumstances not involved in the immediate practice of his specialty. These individuals, therefore, do not represent the stock from which the race should be bred.[1] More desirable, is a more generally integrated stock, to be improved in its general integrative ability as much as possible, and from which individuals of specific integrative type—specialists in the several lines of mental effort—may be developed as offshoots.

Sound integrative function: the foundation of sound mental life: is practically recognizable, and is an actual element in human beauty as it is estimated in civilized societies. We call the

  1. These conditions are practically satisfied by the failure of geniuses to produce offspring. Our Shakespeares, Newtons, and Washingtons have left few descendants.