Page:Personal Beauty and Racial Betterment.djvu/71

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Racial Betterment

be put on a plan of equality; there would undoubtedly be a consensus of opinion that society loses by a repression of the emotional life of females. Hence, the only benefit we can assume from prostitution is the reduction of reproduction by the feeble-minded. And this, in contrast with the serious racial effects of venereal disease which prostitution facilitates: with the even more serious evil of unmated women which prostitution augments: and with the psychological effects on the men who resort to prostitutes—effects which have not been given due consideration as yet—is a contribution so small that it is not worth consideration.

Practical Steps in Conservation

Any consideration of the propagation of the most beautiful types involves a consideration of the standard of beauty; and as I have pointed out, there is a diversity in this respect, not only nationally, but to a lesser degree even within a single civilized nation. This diversity, however, is not a serious impediment, since any practical steps which might be taken would be based, not upon a narrow type-classification, but rather on a broad grouping of types including all divergencies which do not involve disregard of the fundamental principles of fitness.

In effect, we are considering, at the most, not