Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/115

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carefully to suit each separate case. In young persons they are always successful, but with advancing age the results grow less satisfactory.

A common cause of this crookedness is that persons wipe or blow the nose always with one hand, and pull it frequently, therefore, in one direction. By reversing the direction the trouble is lessened.

Dr. Cid, an inventive surgeon of Paris, noticed that elderly people, who for a long time have worn eyeglasses supported on the nose by a spring, are apt to have this organ long and thin. This he attributes to the compression which the spring exerts on the arteries by which the nose is nourished. The idea occurred to him that the hint could be made useful. Not long afterwards a young lady of fifteen years consulted him, to see if he could restore to moderate dimensions her nose, which was large, fleshy, and unsightly. The trait, he found, was hereditary in her family, as her mother and sister were similarly afflicted. This was discouraging, as hereditary peculiarities are particularly obstinate, but the doctor determined to try his method. He took exact measurements, and had constructed for her a "lunette pince-nez," a spring and pad for compressing the artery, which she wore at night, and whenever she conveniently could in the daytime. In three weeks a consolatory diminution was evident, and in three months the young lady was quite satisfied with the improvement in her features. Pa-