Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/15

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the complexion—masks and veils, 197. What clothing should be worn next the skin, 199. Powders to protect the skin, 204. Means for whitening the skin, 206. Rose powders and rouge, 210. A word about enamelling the face, 214. Patches, 216. Discolorations of the skin, 217. Excessive whiteness of the skin, 219. Discolorations from nitrate of silver, 224. Sunburn, tan, and freckles, 225. Liver-spots and moles, 230. Mothers' marks, 233. India-ink or tattoo marks, 234. Arsenic eating and secret washes, 238. Eruptions of the skin, 241. Pimples, hives, carbuncles, 244. The prevention and removal of scars, 252. On wrinkles, 254.


Physiology of the hair, 257. The hair in health—washing, combing and brushing, 262. Cutting the hair, 265. How to curl and stiffen the hair, 269. Hair powders, 272. Gray hair and hair dyes, 274. False hair, chignons, etc., 286. Falling of the hair and baldness, 290. Dandriff, and scurf of the scalp, 295. Excessive growth of hair and depilatories, 298. The arrangement of the hair, 304.


How to wear the beard, 310. The care of the beard, 315. Diseases of the beard, 317.


The duty of comeliness, 320.


A conversation, 324.