Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/151

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Years passed, and fortune frowned on the great king. His enemies besieged and captured his capital. A common soldier meeting him in the street, and not knowing who it was, drew his sword to kill him. Suddenly the dumb son, who was with him, called out in a loud voice, "Oh man, do not kill Crœsus," and saved his father's life. Ever afterwards his speech was restored.

Modern experience teaches us that these strange, almost miraculous cures can be brought about by a simple and ready means—electricity. Pass the electric current along the vocal chords within the throat, and the patient, who has not spoken above her breath for months or years, will often address you at once in her natural voice. At other times, loss of voice is associated with serious disorder of the throat and lungs, and is next to hopeless.

Lisping is a confusion of the sounds s and th. Taken early in life, it is readily amended. If a child is thoroughly drilled in the pronunciation of Greek, he will surely break the habit.

Certain odors and articles of food should be shunned by those who wish to preserve their voice in full health The fumes of an extinguished candle, any rank smoke, gas, or vapor, are very injurious. Even the most fragrant Havana must be condemned from this point of view. Tobacco smoke should be shunned by a singer. Acid fruits, and such as contain pungent oils, are also