Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/263

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and necks marred by these ugly excrescences. Why they are allowed to remain is a constant puzzle to us, when they can be surely and promptly removed, leaving no scar, or at worst a small bleached spot, and this with little and often no pain. We have already referred to some of the means employed to destroy them, and may here add that where they are numerous and apt to recur, as is the case with some persons, a course of internal treatment under medical advice should be commenced which will effectually dispel any such tendency. Warty faces convey an impression of vulgarity, because one associates them with neglect of personal care, and a coarse diet.

There are many other varieties of tumors in the skin and immediately beneath it. Some of these, such as wens, which are so common on the heads of many persons, can only be remedied by the surgeon's knife. Others, especially such as are found on the neck, under the chin, and in front of the ears, are what are called glandular, and not hastily to be meddled with in this manner. Against them, galvanism and electricity are our weapons, and often we are able to disperse them or reduce them very considerably by these powerful agents, without the use of any other means what-*ever. We shall not go into a discussion of the apparatus employed, and the method found most successful to accomplish this, for the professional man can find it elsewhere, and the readers whom we address will not