Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/346

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  • tures on the arts of beauty. By the time she has

learned her lesson, she is also in love with him. They elope from the dominion of the Sultan, and make straight for Rome, where they are baptized and married by the Pope himself. This is the story in a nutshell, which in the original is served up with various episodes, gallant and horrible.

The Librarian.—The English, at least, rarely wrote such works.

We.—They have ever copied France in their fashions, and so they translated Camus and other works, but originated little. Nevertheless, we have a sentence on this slip of paper, written by an English Earl, so much in our favor that we thought of taking it as the motto for our book, but to tell the truth it is too strong.

Portia.—Read it, do.

The Librarian.—Yes, such a preface as that excites my curiosity.

We.—Is it possible! Here it is: "Now, should Galen himself look out of his grave, and tell me these are baubles, below the profession of a physician, I would boldly answer him that I take more glory in preserving God's image in its unblemished beauty upon one fair face, than I do in patching up all the diseased bodies in the world."

The Librarian.—Bravo! Who said that?