Page:Personality (Lectures delivered in America).djvu/175

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The earth, the air, the starry region. You have to set your mind in the heart of this universe. You have to realize that you are born in the Infinite, that you belong not merely to a particular spot of this earth, but to the whole world.

Tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi.

I meditate upon that adorable energy of the Creator of the Universe. The word "Creator" has dulled in meaning by its constant use. But you have to bring into your conscious vision the vastness of the all, and then say that God creates this world, from his infinite creative power, at every moment of time continuously, not by a single act.

All this represents the infinite will of the Creator. It is not like the law of gravitation, or some abstract thing which I cannot worship, and which cannot claim our worship. But this text says that the power is "adorable," that it claims our worship because it belongs to a supreme person, it is not a mere abstraction.

What is the manifestation of this power?

On one side it is the Earth, the Sky, the Starry Heavens; on the other side it is our consciousness.

There is an eternal connection between