Page:Personality (Lectures delivered in America).djvu/177

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Let me tell you about another text which we use in our school for the boys to meditate upon and to use for their daily prayer.

Om pita no'si, pita no bodhi. Namaste'stu.
Pita no' si.

Thou art our Father.

Pita no bodhi. Give us the bodh, the consciousness, the awakening in this, that thou art our Father.


Namah has no proper synonym in English, though perhaps "bow" or "salutation" gives its meaning as nearly as may be.

My namah to thee—Let it become true.

This is the first portion of the text, which our boys use.

Let me explain what I understand by it.

Pita no'si. The text begins with the assertion that God is our Father.

But this truth has not yet been realized in our life, and this is the cause of our imperfections, miseries and sins. Therefore we pray that we may be able to realize it in our consciousness, and so we pray that we may be able to do so.

Then it ends with Namaste. Let my Namah be true. Because that Namah is the