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that? (The others feel that he may have blundered, and draw away from TOOTLES.)

SLIGHTLY (examining the fallen one more minutely). This is no bird; I think it must be a lady.

NIBS (who would have preferred it to be a bird). And Tootles has killed her.

CURLY. Now I see, Peter was bringing her to us. (They wonder for what object.)

SECOND TWIN. To take care of us? (Undoubtedly for some diverting purpose.)

OMNES (though every one of them had wanted to have a shot at her). Oh, Tootles!

TOOTLES (gulping). I did it. When ladies used to come to me in dreams I said ‘Pretty mother,’ but when she really came I shot her! (He perceives the necessity of a solitary life for him.) Friends, good-bye.

SEVERAL (not very enthusiastic). Don’t go.

TOOTLES. I must; I am so afraid of Peter.

(He has gone but a step toward oblivion when he is stopped by a crowing as of some victorious cock.)

OMNES. Peter!