Page:Petty 1647 Advice to Hartlib.djvu/18

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may be skill'd in the best Rules of Judiciall Astrology, which he may apply to calculate the Events of diseases, and Prognosticate the Weather; to the end that by his Judicious and carefull Experiments, the Wheat may be separated from the Chaffe in that Faculty likewise; and what is good therein may be applyed to good uses, and the rest exploded. He shall keep a Jurnall of all notable Changes of Weather, and fertility of Seasons, taking notice what fruits, &c. have abounded and what have failed, which have beene good, and which bad, with the Reasons thereof, whether the same were caused by Mildewes, Blasts, Unseasonable Weather, Caterpillers or other Vermin; he shall take notice of the severall diseases, as Staggers, Murraine, Rot, &c. which in each yeare have infested each Species of Annimals, and what Insects have most abounded; all which Particulars with the Epidemicall diseases befalling man, he may compare with the Aspects of the Celestiall bodies, and so examine the precepts delivered unto us by the Professors of that Art.

The Physician must be a Philosopher, skill'd at large in the Phaenomena of Nature, must understand the Greek Tongue, be well read in good Authors, and seene in the practice of all the ministrant parts of Physick, willing to instruct and foreward all that are under him, his work shall be twice every day deliberately to Visite and Examine all the Sick, and after due Consideration of their Condition, to prescribe them convenient Medicines, and shall dictate in Latine to the Vice-Physician attending him, the History of their severall Diseases (excluding impertinencies) he shall see all Patients in outward griefes (to whom he administreth any inward remedies) opened and dressed ever now and then, to the end that himselfe and the Chirurgeon may both have the same Intention and scope in their practice. He must take care that the Chirurgeon and Student keep the History of their Cures likewise, and that the Apothecary and Student doe the same in in their Pharmacy and Botanicks. He shall oversee the dispensation of all compound, and Preparation of all Chymical Medicaments, giving the Apothecary directions for the making of new Enquiries and Experiments in his way; and
