Page:Petty 1647 Advice to Hartlib.djvu/31

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This work will be an help to Eloquence, when men by their great acquaintance with things, might find out Similitudes, Metaphors, Allusions, and other graces of discourse in abundance.

To Arithmeticians and Geometricians, supplying them with Matter whereupon to exercise those most excellent Sciences, Which some having with much paines once learned, do for want hereof forget againe, or unprofitably apply about resolving needlesse Questions, and making of new difficulties. The number of mixt Mathematicall Arts would hereby be encreased.

For we see that Opticks are made up of pure Mathematicks, the Anatomy of the eye, and some Physicall Principles concerning the Nature of light and Vision, with some Experiments of convexe and concave glasses, Astronomy is constituted againe of them, and some Caelestiall Phoenomena. Enginry againe of them, and some Propositions de Cochleâ et Vecte. And so certainly as the number of Axioms concerning severall subjects doth encrease by this work, so the Number of (their Applications to pure Mathematicks, id est,) New Mathematicall Arts, will encrease also.

Divines having so large a Booke of Gods works added to that of his word, may the more cleerely from them both, deduce the wisedome, power and goodnesse of the Almighty.

Physicians observing the use of all Drugs and Operations in the production of Artificials, may with successe transferre them to better Uses in their Art.

And Lawyers when they plead concerning Trades and Manufactures, would better Know what to say on such Occasions.

A young beginner may Know by this Book how much stock is needfull to set him up in his Trade.

Gentlemen falling sometimes Accidentally into Tradesmen and handicrafts company, would Know how to make use of such Occurrences to advantage.
