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Balleen, gotten by Mr. Worsly: concerning which, there are these Enormities, viz.
1. The said Mr. Worslyes debt could not in any wise, nor according to any rate, be satisfied on, or near that place, nor indeed any where; when he took Balleen.
2ly, When he received those Lands, he had no sufficient Debt due, nor any Debenture stated, till some years after.
3ly, The said Lands were onely admeasured, without any valuation of the Housing and Wood, as ought to have been; besides twenty other Enormous Circumstances, whereof he was so conscious, that he soon after sold it, that is, exchanged it for other Land, lest Col. Abbot should have Recovered it from him.
That 1. No person agrieved ever complained, till Sir Hierom had impeach't me in Parliament, nor do I know of any yet.
2ly. I never dealt or treated for De-