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I am sure you had learned many such civillizing Arts, wherefore your memory has been very leaky, if you have so unlearned them again, as to be turned bruitish. I say, I cannot yet think you unworthy of my care; wherefore I conjure you, to let mee know the nature of your Accusation, and of those troubles which I hear one Sankey (I judge the same that I knew a Foot-ball-Player in Cambridge) hath engaged you in, that so I may reckon my own happiness in casting up yours.

I have hitherto esteemed you of such integrity, as hath made mee cry out with the Poet,

Musa mihi causas memora quo milite Læso
Insignem probitate virum tot adire labores.[1]

And pray let mee know what you have gotten by all those Frauds and Rapines for which you are esteemed a Beast of Prey, and for which your Adversaries avow the denying you of Law, the knocking you on the head, coming behinde you, or taking you asleep, to be all very fair? Who thought that when you and I studied

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  1. Free interpretation of Vergil. (Wikisource editor)