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for the examining and casting up of all the severall plotts and bookes of reference returned in by Dr Petty of the survey of the three provinces, and doe see that the same bee duely perfected and returned according to the articles of his agreement or contract, or otherwise to state and present the deffects of the said survey to this board. For the better performance and dispatch of which examination, the said Surveyor-Generall is to imploy soe many able and discreet persons as hee shall thinke fitt, not exceeding the number of four, and to give to the said persons such allowances for the same as hee shall thinke fitt, not exceeding ten pounds to each of them. For the doeing of which this shall bee your warrant.

Dublyn Castle, the 15th of May, 1656.
Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

Now, fearing least this scrupulouse examination should prove excessive tediouse, it was desired that the Surveyor-Generall, before the said order, would dispatch the same in about three moneths time, to the end neither the army should stay for their satisfaction, which was not to bee given them uppon an unaudited unallowed survey, nor the Doctor bee needlessly retarded in the passing of his accompts; whereuppon he caused four asistants, with ten pounds reward to each, to bee allowed, and gave the following engagement before he received the last mentioned order.

I doe hereby promise to dispatch and pass all such examinations and states relating to the bookes and plotts of survey to bee exhibited unto mee by Doctor William Petty, as I shall thinke fitt to make uppon the same, either as Surveyor-Generall or as a contractor with the said William Petty, by or before the fifth day of July next after the date hereof; as wittness my hand this 21 of March, 1655: provided the said Doctor bring in the said bookes by the fifth of Aprill, or otherwise: as I shall desire.

Benj. Worseley.

But it was the eighteenth of August before he had examined some of all the severall sorts and species of the worke, thereby to have a knowledge of all the faults and defects which possibly could happen therein, att which time hee gave in the following report, referred to a grand committee for their consideration.

In obedience to your Lordshipps order for requiring me to report the state of the examination of Dr Pettyes surveyes, with what defects I find in the said