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ronyes of the ten halfe countyes appointed by lott for the satisfaction of the arreares of the officers and souldiers in Ireland, mentioned in the late Act for satisfaction of the adventurers, officers, and souldiers, of the 26th of September, 1653, and allsoe within any the countyes of Wexford, Wicklow, Kilkenny, Kerrey, Longford, Cork, Kildare, Tyrone, London Derrey, and Donnegall, appointed as additionall satisfaction for the arreares of the said souldiers, as allsoe the forfeited lands in the countyes of Dublyn, Catherlogh, and the then remaining part of Corke, together with the crowne lands and lands heretofore belonging to any archbishopp, bishopp, deane, deane and chapter, or any other officer appertaining to the hierarchy, in the right of his or their office, which are lying in any of the afforesaid barronyes and counties, being all the lands mentioned in the said first article. In wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale, the 24th of June, 1657.

Cha. Gough, Deputy Surveyor-Generall.

Wittnesses to the signing, sealing,
and delivery hereoff,
Wm. Trevis.
Geo. Bates.

All books, being with the respective mapps well drawne and adorned, being fairly engrossed, bound up, indexed, and distinguished, were placed into a noble repository of carved worke, and soe delivered into the Exchequer; and uppon a motion made the 18th of December the Surveyor-Generall brought the contract into the Councill, where the same was mutually delivered up and cancelled in full Councill, and the following order made:

By the Lord Deputy and Councill.


That Collonell Thomas Herbert, Clerke of the Councill, doe examine the originall articles of agreement made betweene Dr William Petty and Benjamin Worsley, Esq., Surveyor-Generall, on behalfe of the State, concerning the said Doctors admeasurement of the forfeited lands assignable for the satisfaction of the army, and this day, by order of the board, delivered up, with the entry made in the Councills bookes; and, finding the same right entered, he is thereuppon to cancell the said articles, that the said Dr may bee fully discharged thereoff. Councill chamber, Dublyn, the 18th of December, 1657.

Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.