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ticulars thereoff hereunder written, and according to such orders as wee have received from His Highness said Councill, and such conditions as are att large exspressed in certaine articles of agreement made betweene us and the said William Petty in that behalfe, bearing date with these presents. As witness our hands, this 24th day of Aprille, 1657.

Articles of Agreement made and concluded betweene the Commissioners appointed by His Highness Councill for the Affaires of Ireland, for setting forth of Lands for Satisfaction of the Army, of the one Part, and Dr Petty, of the Citty of Dublyn, of the other Part, this four and twentieth Day of Aprill, 1657, as followeth:

Whereas uppon reading the petition of Dr William Petty, His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the affaires of Ireland did by their order of the sixth of March, 1656, grant and assent that such arreares of one penny per acre as are due from the army unto him, the said Dr for admeasuring their lands, and as were granted unto him for his owne use and benefitt, by virtue of another order of His Highness said Councill, dated the eleventh of February last, should bee satisfyed unto him, the said Dr William Petty, out of lands, as soe much due by debenture.

Moreover, whereas His Highness said Councill have allsoe by their said order of the 6th of March, 1656, permitted the said Doctor to purchase at least one thousand pounds debentures, and that he might receive satisfaction both for the said arreares of one penny per acre, and allsoe for the said purchased debentures, in such places as he himselfe should make choice of; and whereas it hath appeared unto the said Commissioners, by certificate from the auditors of His Highness Court of Exchequer, and from Christopher Gough, deputy to the Surveyor-Generall, bearing date the ninth of Aprille, 1657, that there hath been admeasured by the said Dr William Petty, of profitable forfeited lands disposeable to the army, two millions fourteene thousand three hundred 2014357a 1r 37p fifty-seaven acres, one rood, and thirty-seaven perches, the which, at one penny per acre, allowed by the Act of the Councill of Warr, dated the eleveneth of December, 1654, by the said Commissioners seen, doth amount unto the summe of eight thousand three hundred ninety-three 8393li 3sd pounds three shillings one penny halfe penny.

And, lastly, whereas itt hath appeared by certificate from James Standish,