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Tho. Crowder.
Wm. Whittaker.
Geo. Glascocke.
Ch. Ffox.
Will. Lawson.
Ch. Sutton.
Jon. Fflesher.
Geo. Bathe.
Tho. Jenner.
Jer. Rushley.
Robt. Barefoot.
Sam. Linne.
Will. Sled.
Jon. Humphrey.
Chr. Searles.
Mat. Taylor.
Jo. Taylor.
Tho. Brisco.
Ed. Pike.
Jon. Sandon.
Tho. Hudson.
Geo. Ewre.
And. Pope.
Jon. Hieron.
Will. Woodhouse.
Jo. Rolfe.
Jo. Merricke.
Tho. Owen.
Hen. Hawkes.
Sarah Bockat.
Danll. Theobalds.
Erasmus Snelling.
Rogr. Chilbingworth.
Gam. Voyce.
Jo. Seeling.
Sol. Sibly.
Tho. Ffield.

Explanations, Amendments, and Additions of the afforesaid Declaration and Petition.

In pursuance of your Lordshipps owne favour and just endeavoures of preventing unnecessary removalls, and in considerations of your petitioners readiness to submitt to your Lordshipps survey, your petitioners desire that three per cent. difference in admeasurement betweene your Lordshipps survey and the adventurers bee not taken notice of, vizt, in such cases where the adventurers survey hath been allready made use of as to distribution; and where noe other cause appeares for nulling the said distribution then the said diiference in quantity, your petitioners pray that such distributions be neither annulled, nor that any retrenchment be made where the adventurers survey differeth not above three per cent. from the States.

2dly. Your petitioners humbly desire that by the word null in the above petition and declaration, where tis said that soe much of the said distribution be null as is subsequent to the first irregularity, shall not be intended to remove