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By the Lord Lieutenant and Councill.

The Lord Lieutenant and Councill, taking into consideration the humble petition of severall officers of the army and others, in behalfe of themselves and all such as are concerned in the satisfaction of the arreares of the army, the substance thereof being concerning their arreares and security, have, for the reasons therein mentioned, thought fitt and ordered, that Vincent Gookin, Dr William Petty, and Miles Symner, Esqrs. (Commissioners for setting out lands to the army), or any two of them, bee and are hereby authorized and required to peruse such bookes, surveyes, mapps, papers, and other writings and records in the custody of the said Commissioners, or of the Surveyor-Generall of lands, or others, as may any way relate to the matter particularly exsprest in the said petition; and further to proceed, either in order to the preparing such an authentique booke or bookes, or otherwise as may answer the ends in the said petition mentioned and desired. And that the petitioners may receive the better satisfaction and information in this bussiness, itt is likewise held fitt and ordered that any such persons, to the number of seaven, as the petitioners shall nominate, and shall bee approved of by the board, who, or any three or more of them, have hereby the liberty granted them, from time to time, and until further orders, to bee allwayes present with the said Commissioners as afforesaid, and as occasion serves to offer their advice, and otherwise to give such furtherance therein as may bee conceived materiall and necessary in reference to the premisses. And that the said Comissioners doe not proceed uppon any part of the worke required by this order, but in the presence of three or more of the persons nominated and approved off as afforesaid; provided, nevertheless, that none of the said surveyes, mapps, bookes, or other papers as afforesaid, bee made subject to other view; and that no transcripts be had or taken for private use, or any alteration made in any of the said records. And lastly, the said Comissioners are to give an accompt unto this board of their proceedings herein. Dated att the Councell chamber in Dublyn, the 20th of December, 1658.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

This order was not satisfactory to many, who said they would rather rott as prisoners in the Castle then to acquiesse in it, and that they would spend