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bee wholly seriouse; but having said nothing but what the world knowes, and might as easily been guessed, even without these intimations, nor having charged his adversaryes therein with noe practice not usuall uppon all like occasions, wee hope nothing will be taken amiss.

The committee being nominated, the seaven purging pills are guilded by the Councills approbation, exspressed in the following order.


Whilst these things are doeing in Ireland, the Doctor rides night and day from London, in the latter end of December, and through many hazards comes to Dublyn, God having kept him safe in the greatest storme that ever was knowne, as he thankfully construed it, to preserve him for his vindication, soe as he might dye with a fame suitable to his deservings, for he profest never to desire greater or better, att the hands of the State and army in Ireland.

Being come to Dublyn, and having informed himselfe of past transactions, hee desired that there might bee added to the above named committee of seaven, chosen by the pretended representers of the army, the Receiver-Generall, Auditors-Generall, and one Mr Jeoffryes, a person well reputed for his integrity and skill in accompts, that, having given a satisfactory accompt unto these able and proper ministers of the State, he might all under one bee discharged both from the State and armyes further question or suspicion. This was granted by the Councill, as appeares by their following order, vizt:

By the Lord Lieutenant and Councill.


That Dr William Petty, and the rest of the Commissioners for setting out lands to the army, doe forthwith proceed to make a booke containing an accompt of all the lands by them sett forth. And itt is further ordered, that the Auditors and Receiver-Generall, and Mr Jeoffreys, bee added to the seaven persons formerly appointed by order of this board, bearing date the 20th of December last, making in all eleven, whereoff three ([the] auditors, or one of them to be always one) are to be a comittee for the ends in the said order exspressed. Dublyn, the 24th of January, 1658.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

The comittee being mett, some of the latter referrees, and some other officers