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security a debt of about 7000li, which is forreigne thereunto; and, as wee hope to prove, ought not to be charged thereon.

4thly. That the said Doctor hath reserved out of the generall string severall choice places from diverse of the respective lotts, uppon which there were noe incumbrances, whereby the quota of the army was much lessened, soe that the lots of Leinster and Ulster fell short of their five seavenths two shillings per pound; and notwithstanding the Dr was afterwards much importuned by severall persons in whose lotts the said lands lay, that he would sett them out as cleer lands, yett he refused the same, and afterwards converted them to his owne use.

5thly. That the Dr hath taken to himselfe the benefitt of the enhaunced rates of the army without their consent, not having right thereunto, to the great prejudice of the State and army.

6thly. That the favour that was intended by His late Highness to repaire the Wexford lott for such lands as were given out to Generall Monke, the said Dr hath taken their benefitt and advantage thereof to himselfe, without right thereunto.

7thly. That allthough the Doctor, in the sume exsprest in the first exception, having purchased a sixth part of severall regiments lotts that should have been satisfyed in the barren lands admeasured by him in Kerrey, which, for the badness thereof, would not bee owned by the regiments, did, after the said purchase, and contrary to the intent of your Lordshipps order, dated the 15th of Ffebruary, 1657, transferr the said satisfaction into other cheif places.

8thly, And whereas the army, desiring to free this honourable board and themselves from the trouble of many reprizalls, did voluntarily consent and agree to leave out of their generall string all dubiouse and incumbred lands, uppon consideration that the said lands would be a good reserve for reprizalls to their respective lotts, in case of deficiency, or otherwise advantagiouse to such of themselves as should happen, through any mistake in the practise of their subdivisions, to fall short of equall satisfaction of their remaining debt; the said Dr, notwithstanding, against all right, has disappointed them in the ends afforesaid, by converting severall choice places of that reserve to his owne use.

9thly. That the said Dr hath gathered up the fragments of the armyes pence and perches that were quitt to the State, and endeavoured to charge the same

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