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record for the service of the Commonwealth, uppon the penalty of 100li, and imprisonment without bayle or maine prize, to whomsoever should doe contrary to the said Act; the said Dr hath not only kept all the originall plotts and surveyes of the said souldiers lands, and the duplicate of all bookes of admeasurement sent in by him, contrary exspressly to the said Act, and that without any knowledge of or lycense and directions from the Councill there for his soe doeing, but still doeth keep and retaine all the said papers by him, together with the whole relating to the satisfactions and debt of the army, to the hazard of the Commonwealth interest, and dissatisfaction of the souldiery.

Ffor all which misdemeanoures, wrongs, ffrauds, and other abuses of the said Doctor, done in high contempt of the authority of the lawes of this nation, and to the prejudice of many of the good people of the Commonwealth, your petitioner prayes the justice of this honourable board.

Hie. Sankey.

Thuesday, July the 12th 1659.

Articles of high misdemeanoures, frauds, breach of trusts, and severall other crimes, presented against Dr William Petty, by Collonell Hierome Sankey, were tendered to the Parliament.

Ordered by the Parliament,—That the said articles bee referred to the Commissioners for managing the Government in Ireland, to examine the severall particular misdemeanoures, frauds, breach of trusts, and severall other crimes in the said articles charged and mentioned; and the said Commissioners, or any three or more of them, are hereby fully authorized to hear and determine the same.

Tho. St. Nicholas, Clerk of the Parliament.