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Satisfaction of the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, and of the Arrears due to the Soldiery there, and of other publique Debts[1].

WHEREAS many well-affected persons, bodies politique and corporate, did subscribe and pay in, upon several Acts and ordinances of the late Parliament, divers considerable sums of money by way of adventure towards the suppression of the late horrid rebellion in Ireland, which said sums of money were, by the said Acts and ordinances, appointed to be satisfied by several proportions of the lands of the rebels there, as soon as the said rebellion should be appeased;Satisfaction to be made to adventurers, officers, soldiers, and others. and whereas also several other great sums of money are grown due, and in arrear unto the officers and soldiers who have been employed in reducing the said rebels, and to sundry other persons either for arrears yet unsatisfied, moneys lent, or provisions or other supplies furnished for the publique service; and whereas, by the blessing of God upon the forces of this Commonwealth, the said rebels are subdued, and the said rebellion is appeased and ended, and it is hereby declared to be appeased and ended. To the end, therefore, that all just satisfaction may be made unto the adventurers, officers, and soldiers, and other persons aforesaid, as soon as possibly may be, and that the countrey of Ireland may be planted and setled with security unto such as shall plant and inhabit the same, be it enacted by this present Parliament, and by the authority thereof, Committee of Grocers' Hall. that one order of the Council of State, dated the first day of June, one thousand six hundred fifty and three, appointing and authorizing Methuselah Turner, of Cheapside, London, linen-draper, and other persons therein named, or any five or more of them, to sit as a committee at Grocers' Hall, to regulate, order, and
  1. From Scobell's Acts and Ordinances, chapter XII.