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exceed the proportion of assessments which shall from time to time be imposed on the inhabitants of this Commonwealth residing in England.

Quit-rents remitted for five years.And for the further encouragement of the said adventurers, officers, and soldiers, and the more speedy and effectual planting of the said forfeited lands in Ireland, be it enacted and declared by the authority aforesaid, that all and every of the quit-rents charged or reserved upon the said forfeited lands by any former act or ordinance of Parliament, shall be and are hereby remitted for the term of five years, and the said adventurers, officers, and soldiers, or other persons who shall have any lands set out unto them by vertue of this Act, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, shall be, and hereby are discharged and freed from any payment of any of the said quit-rents, for and during the said term of five years, to be computed immediately from and after the respective lands shall be set out or alotted unto them, and shall hold and enjoy their lands without any let, trouble incumbrance, or molestation whatsoever, for or in respect of the said quit-rents, for and during the term aforesaid, anything in any former act or ordinance of parliament to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Restriction of this remittal.Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby declared and intended, that no person or persons whatsoever shall be capable of the said indulgence or remittal of the said quit-rents, unless such person or persons shall within twelve moneths next after the alotment of his or their proportion of lands, enter upon and begin to plant the same, by himself, servants, or tenants; and continue in the planting and improving thereof for the term of three years at last then next to come, after the expiration of the said twelve months. But in case any shall refuse or neglect so to do, the quit-rents reserved by any former act or ordinance as aforesaid, shall be, and hereby are continued chargeable upon such his or their proportions of the said forfeited lands; and all and every such person or persons shall be liable to pay the same, as if this act had never been made.

Adventurers and soldiers may purchase houses in cities and walled towns.And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the commissioners of Parliament aforesaid, shall, and are hereby authorized to admit the said adventurers, officers, and soldiers, to purchase any of the forfeited houses or messuages in any city or walled town within any of the ten counties aforementioned, for their security and habitation, paying for the same after the rate of six year's purchase, to be paid in ready money, as they are or shall be found by survey to be of present value to be let. Provided they purchase no more then one moiety of the houses within Proviso the cities of Limerick, Waterford, and town of Clonmel; and that they do make their purchase of the same at or before the twenty-fourth day of June, which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred fifty and five. And in the sale and disposal thereof the commissioners aforesaid are to have respect to the accommodation of both equally and indifferently, Saving of rights.saving unto every person and persons all his and their right, title, and interest, to any house or houses in any of the said cities and towns, that he or they were possessed of the twenty-fifth of March, one thousand six hundred fifty and three, by force and vertue of any Act, ordinance, or order of Parliament, or by order from the commissioners of Parliament, or any three or more of them, in pursuance of the powers given unto them by the