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The Instructions.

The Instructions.You shall immediately upon the receipt of this commission, cause proclamation to be made in every county of Ireland, so as the same may be forty days at the least before the setting forth of any of the lands in the said commission intended, to this effect, viz., that every person, or the heirs, executors, or assigns of such person, who, on the twenty-third day of October, in the year one thousand six hundred forty and one, had any lawful right, title, or interest in, or out of any of the lands of any of the rebels in Ireland, or any of the lands forfeited by the Acts of Parliament in the said commission specified lying within the county where any such proclamation shall be made, shall, within twenty days after the said proclamation shall be made in the said county, enter his and their claim to the same before such persons as shall be authorized by you to receive, hear and determine the said claims.

You shall forthwith appoint such commissioners as you shall think fit, and shall authorize them to receive all and every such claim and claims as shall be made in pursuance of the proclamation aforesaid, by the time therein limited, and to cause the same to be entered in such register as you shall appoint for that purpose; and immediately after the entry of such claims, to proceed in examining and determining the same; and that they cause a copy of such determination under their hands, or so many of them as you shall appoint, to be sent unto the register for the said forfeited lands, to be by him annexed to the survey of those lands, touching which such claim shall be made.

You shall cause to be surveyed all the honors, baronies, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of, or lately belonging to all and every the rebels of Ireland, and all the lands forfeited by vertue or force of the several Acts of Parliament in the said commission expressed, or any of them, lying or being within all and every the provinces of Ireland, and all the meadow, arrable, and profitable pasture belonging to each of the said honors, baronies, castles, manors, lands, and tenements respectively, to be admeasured and set forth, so as the same may be certainly and distinctly known from other lands there, by their qualities, quantities, names, scituation, parish or place, where the same do ly, with their meets and bounds, the bogs, woods, and barren mountains belonging to the respective premises, being mentioned in such survey respectively, but not admeasured.

You shall give instructions to the surveyors-general, and the surveyors to be employed under them, in the first place to survey, admeasure, and set forth all and every such of the said forfeited lands and premises as shall lye and be within the respective counties of Limerick, Tipperary, and Waterford, in the province of Munster; the King's County, the Queen's County, the counties of Eastmeath and Westmeath, in the province of Leinster; the counties